Nakladatelství "Barnes & Noble"

Nabídka knih nakladatelství Barnes & Noble

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569 Kč 512 Kč

Horror hides behind an attractive face in The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde´s tale of a...

The Raven and Other Poems

POE Edgar Allan

během 1 až 2 týdnů

449 Kč 404 Kč

First published in January 1845, The Raven is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe....

The Scarlet Letter


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599 Kč 539 Kč

In seventeenth-century Boston, Hester Prynne shoulders the scorn of her fellow Puritan townsfolk...

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569 Kč 512 Kč

When the young age Arthur pulls from the stone an embedded sword that none of the knights of the...

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569 Kč 512 Kč

Since his first literary appearance in 1886, the murderous Mr. Hyde has embodied the evil that even...

Treasure Island

STEVENSON Robert Louis

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569 Kč 512 Kč

When he attends a dying patron of his family´s boarding house, young Jim Hawkins has no idea that...

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569 Kč 512 Kč

A gorgeous edition of Jules Verne´s landmark of science fiction and wonder, featuring full-colour...

Wuthering Heights


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569 Kč 512 Kč

From the moment of his adoption by the Earnshaws, the foundling boy Heathcliff devotes himself to...

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