Nakladatelství "BIS Publishers"

Nabídka knih nakladatelství BIS Publishers

Creativity Works!

DOOREN Joris van, LUITEN Coen


529 Kč 476 Kč

When robots take our jobs, we should unleash our creativity. Creativity Works! gives you a...

dostupnost neznámá

990 Kč 891 Kč

Design practices increasingly appeal to public organizations as a new and promising approach, but...

Visual Doing

BRAND Willemien

dostupnost neznámá

590 Kč 531 Kč

Sequel to Visual Thinking: Learn how to show and share your ideas in a fun, clear and compelling...

Visual Doing - Workbook

BRAND Willemien

během 2 až 3 týdnů

199 Kč 179 Kč

As a follow-up to the bestseller Visual Thinking and the second book Visual Doing, the author is...

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